Interview with Umar Munshi : HASAN.VC’s Bold Vision for a More Ethical Economy

Interview with Umar Munshi


  • HASAN.VC is focused on nurturing and investing in startups that align profitability with societal impact and sustainability
  • Runs 8-week online accelerator programs for early-stage startups in Southeast Asia and the GCC 
  • Drives the expansion of the halal economy, leveraging ethical principles to drive inclusive growth
  • Forges partnerships in these two regions, creating a network that supports and amplifies ethical business practices
  • Invites broad investor participation, aiming to democratize venture capital investment and channel funds to over 40 startups

Embarking on a transformative journey of ethical investment and innovation, HASAN.VC stands as a pioneering force, reshaping the economic landscape through the lens of integrity and sustainability. HASAN.VC carves a unique path within the halal economy and beyond, bringing to life the profound essence of its namesake, “Hasan,” an Arabic word that embodies goodness and beauty. This guiding principle illuminates HASAN.VC’s mission, driving its commitment to nurturing startups that aspire not just to succeed in business, but to contribute positively to society and uphold ethical values.

Nurturing a Future Rooted in Ethical Innovation

“Our vision extends far beyond the realm of financial gain. We are on a quest to foster a community of innovators whose ambitions match their commitment to ethical and sustainable growth,” explains Managing Partner Umar Munshi. The accelerator program is not just a launchpad for startups; it’s a comprehensive program to cultivate values-driven entrepreneurship, encouraging businesses to operate with a conscience and to strive towards rectifying the economic disparities that challenge our world.

In the bustling markets of Southeast Asia and the Gulf States, where innovation meets entrepreneurial spirit, HASAN.VC emerges as a beacon of hope and progress. Its mission goes beyond the traditional venture capital model, aiming to create a vibrant community of startups that are as passionate about making a difference in the world as they are about achieving financial success. At the core of this vision lies the HASAN.VC accelerator program, an immersive 8-week online journey meticulously designed to equip early-stage tech startups with the critical tools, knowledge, and capital they need to thrive and make an enduring impact.

Empowerment Through Ethical Principles

“The halal economy is ripe with opportunities, teeming with startups eager to innovate and redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world,” Umar notes. “These startups aren’t just creating products or services; they’re pioneering a new economic landscape—one where equity, justice, and sustainability are at the forefront.”

The spirit of HASAN.VC is deeply intertwined with the empowerment of startups that aim for more than just profitability. By supporting scalable ventures that integrate seamlessly with the ethical tenets of the halal lifestyle, HASAN.VC seeks to expand the boundaries of the halal economy, ensuring its benefits reach humanity at large.

A Comprehensive Ecosystem for Nurturing Success

“Stepping into the entrepreneurial world comes with its fair share of hurdles,” Umar acknowledges. “We aspire to be more than just an accelerator; we aim to be a guiding force, offering a nurturing ecosystem that addresses the wide-ranging needs of startups, from financial stability to strategic growth and ethical alignment.”

Umar, a Singaporean, has been an entrepreneur for more than 2 decades, starting his journey at the age of 18. What sets HASAN.VC apart is its comprehensive, holistic approach to supporting startups. Beyond offering financial backing, HASAN.VC provides startups with funding, strategic advisory services, mentorship, market access, and access to a significant consumer base for product testing. This well-rounded support ensures that startups are strategically positioned for sustainable success and positive societal impact.

Unleashing the Potential of the Halal Economy

With the halal market projected to reach unprecedented heights in the coming years, HASAN.VC is at the forefront of tapping into this sector’s vast potential. Southeast Asia, with its dynamic and youthful Muslim demographic, serves as an ideal breeding ground for innovative initiatives powered by HASAN.VC’s accelerator program. This focus not only underscores the intrinsic value of these markets but also sets the stage for broader expansion and inclusivity, reflecting HASAN.VC’s dedication to democratizing venture capital investment and enabling wider participation in ethical, impactful ventures.

Islamic Finance: A Vanguard of Ethical and Sustainable Finance

The Islamic finance sector, poised for significant growth, exemplifies the ethical revolution that HASAN.VC champions. Characterized by its adherence to principles of social welfare and ethical investment, Islamic finance is ripe for innovation, offering fertile ground for startups that seek to provide inclusive financial solutions. HASAN.VC stands at the heart of this transformation, championing ventures that align with its vision of justice, equity, and empowerment, and driving forward a financial revolution grounded in ethical practices.

Fostering a World Enriched by Ethical Businesses

HASAN.VC’s mission transcends the boundaries of the halal economy, aiming to weave lasting connections throughout the global economic fabric. By nurturing strategic partnerships across various industries and regions, HASAN.VC envisions a future where ethical and halal businesses thrive and significantly contribute to societal and environmental well-being. This vision of a united, inclusive business ecosystem between two vibrant economic regions emphasises the collective journey toward surmounting global challenges through practices rooted in integrity and responsibility.

Charting a Course Towards a Brighter Future

HASAN.VC targets to fund the 8 to 12 or the top startups from each of its accelerator cohorts, aiming for 4 cohorts over 2024 and 2025. Its first cohort is planned to kick off in mid-2024, for startups in Southeast Asia. It will then launch its next cohort for GCC startups in the third quarter of 2024. Each new cohort of startups brings us closer to realizing a global economy where ethical business practices are not the exception but the norm. By inviting a diverse community of investors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries to join this pioneering mission, HASAN.VC is not just investing in startups; it’s investing in the future—a future where business success is measured not only by financial achievements but by the positive impact on society and the environment.

Inspiring a Global Movement Toward Ethical Entrepreneurship

“We’re not merely accelerating business growth; we’re championing a global shift towards more conscious, sustainable, and equitable business practices,” Umar states with conviction. 

The journey of HASAN.VC and its supported startups is a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the power of ethical entrepreneurship to address the world’s most pressing challenges. This movement transcends geographical boundaries and industry sectors, uniting a global community around the shared values of integrity, sustainability, and justice.

A Call to Action for Ethical Innovation

“Join our community as we embark on this transformative journey, targeting over 40 startups in the next two years to redefine the landscape of ethical innovation,” Umar encourages. “Together, we can build an enduring legacy that transcends profit, one that is rooted in the principles of Hasan and leaves a lasting impact on the world, long after our own lifetimes.”

HASAN.VC extends a heartfelt invitation to all who share in its vision of a more ethical, just, and sustainable world to apply to be a member of its angel investor community. By democratizing access to venture capital investment and lowering the barriers to entry, HASAN.VC empowers its private community to participate in and benefit from the growth of ethical startups. 

Beyond Metrics: Shaping the Future of Global Business

“Through our efforts, we aspire to lead by example, demonstrating how businesses can flourish while contributing positively to society and the planet,” Umar reflects.

The impact of HASAN.VC stretches far beyond traditional business metrics, fostering a new era of businesses that prioritize ethical values, social responsibility, and sustainability. Through its comprehensive support for startups, HASAN.VC is not just a catalyst for economic growth but a leader in the movement towards a more mindful and conscientious global marketplace. 

As HASAN.VC propels forward, it embodies the true spirit of innovation, ethics, and justice, marking the dawn of a new era in global business. With every startup nurtured, every partnership forged, and every community engaged, HASAN.VC is not just navigating the present; it’s shaping a future where the principles of goodness, beauty, and integrity define success. This vision for the future, where businesses operate with a conscience and strive for a positive impact on the world, is what HASAN.VC stands for—a testament to the enduring legacy of Hasan that will inspire generations to come.

In the confluence of faith, innovation, and entrepreneurship, HASAN.VC and its accelerator program emerge as pioneering forces, redefining the essence of business success in the global economy. With a clear vision, a commitment to ethical principles, and a vibrant community of partners, HASAN.VC is set to transform the landscape of the global economy, fostering an ecosystem where inclusivity, ethics, and sustainability are valued and celebrated. This is the future HASAN.VC envisions and invites the world to join in creating—a future where every business endeavour is a step towards a more just, equitable, and beautiful world.

Other Versions

Interview with Umar Munshi: Revolutionizing Ethics in Business: HASAN.VC’s Bold Vision

In an age where ethical investment and sustainable business practices herald a new paradigm for global economies, HASAN.VC, an inspiring initiative by Ethis Group, forges a transformative path within the halal economy. This article embarks on a journey to unfold HASAN.VC’s audacious mission, its groundbreaking approach, and its profound impact on the global halal market, aiming to unearth the essence and chart the future trajectory of this unparalleled project.

Revolutionizing the Halal Economy: HASAN.VC’s Mission

Set against the vibrant backdrop of Southeast Asia and the Gulf States, centers pulsating with innovation and entrepreneurship, HASAN.VC emerges as a beacon of innovation, transcending the confines of the halal and global economy. With an ambitious objective to cultivate the next generation of ethical and impactful startups, HASAN.VC is bridging the gap between groundbreaking ideas and tangible market success. At the heart of this venture lies the accelerator program, a meticulously crafted 8-week online curriculum designed to empower early-stage tech startups with the tools, knowledge, and capital to flourish.

“Our ambition at HASAN is to nurture a community of innovators committed to ethical and sustainable growth,” says Umar Munshi, illuminating HASAN’s foundational ethos. “It’s about harnessing the power of collaboration to bring about a more just world, one that actively seeks to overcome economic oppression through shared values.”

Empowering Innovators: The Core of HASAN’s Philosophy

HASAN.VC’s mission is deeply rooted in empowering startups that seek more than financial success but aim to make a positive global impact. By championing ventures that integrate technology with the ethical principles of the halal lifestyle, HASAN.VC aspires to expand the halal economy’s boundaries to benefit humanity at large.

“Each startup under our wing is a testament to the untapped potential within the halal economy,” Munshi elaborates. “They are pioneers, breaking new ground with their values-driven innovation, challenging traditional market norms, and striving to address economic injustices.”

Beyond Funding: The Integrated Support Ecosystem

What sets HASAN.VC apart is its comprehensive approach to nurturing startups. Beyond financial investment, the program offers strategic advisory services, mentorship, market access, and a large Muslim user database for product testing. This integrated support ensures startups are not only well-funded but strategically poised for sustainable growth.

“Having embarked on the entrepreneurial journey myself, I deeply understand the myriad challenges faced,” Munshi reflects. “Through HASAN.VC, we aim to illuminate the path for others, providing a robust support system that transcends financial and strategic needs.”

The Halal Economy: A Landscape of Opportunity

The halal economy, rich in cultural and ethical dimensions, is ripe for innovation. With the global Muslim population on the rise, the demand for halal-compliant products and services surges, presenting unparalleled opportunities for startups. This burgeoning market, projected to reach $2.4 trillion by 2024, is a fertile ground for ventures ready to make a mark.

“Southeast Asia, with its large and youthful Muslim demographic, serves as an epicenter for our accelerator,” Munshi notes. “The region’s dynamism and spirit of entrepreneurship are pivotal for our cohorts’ success, which we plan to extend to the GCC in our subsequent cohort.”

Islamic Finance: The New Frontier

Islamic finance, known for its ethical principles and social welfare focus, stands on the cusp of a revolution towards digitalization and innovation. With assets projected to reach $3.8 trillion by 2023, the sector is ripe for startups leveraging technology to provide more inclusive and sustainable financial solutions.

“The shift in Islamic finance mirrors the evolving needs and values of Muslim consumers,” explains Munshi. “HASAN.VC is thrilled to back startups leading this financial revolution, aligning with our principles of justice and overcoming economic disparities.”

Fostering Global Partnerships: The Road Ahead

HASAN.VC’s accelerator program seeks not only to foster growth within the halal economy but also to forge connections between the halal market and the wider global economy. Through strategic collaborations across industries and regions, HASAN.VC is laying the foundation for a more interconnected and inclusive business ecosystem.

“Our vision is to cultivate a world where ethical and halal businesses not only prosper but also contribute significantly to societal and environmental well-being,” Munshi shares. “Global partnerships enable us to magnify our impact and champion collective advancement towards overcoming global injustices.”

Envisioning the Future: HASAN’s Role in Shaping the Halal Economy

As HASAN.VC and its accelerator program stand at the dawn of a new era in the halal economy, they are set to redefine the future. With innovative strategies, steadfast support, and a commitment to ethical values, HASAN.VC is poised to significantly influence the halal economy’s evolution. The success stories emerging from the program—startups revolutionizing Islamic finance to those making halal products more accessible—are a testament to its potential.

“The journey of HASAN.VC is not just about fostering successful enterprises; it’s about catalyzing a global movement towards ethical entrepreneurship,” Munshi passionately states. “Our mission transcends the conventional metrics of success, aiming instead to inspire a generation of businesses dedicated to creating a just and equitable world.”

A Tapestry of Success: Startups That Are Changing the Game

Among the myriad of success stories cultivated by HASAN.VC are startups making substantial strides in areas such as halal food technology and Islamic digital finance. These ventures are not just meeting the needs of Muslim consumers; they’re capturing the attention of a broader market by prioritizing quality, transparency, and ethical practices. Through leveraging the profound cultural heritage of the Islamic economy and employing advanced technology, these startups redefine success in the modern business landscape.

“One of our cohort startups has transformed the halal food industry, using blockchain technology to guarantee ethical sourcing and traceability,” Munshi highlights. “Another venture in the Islamic fintech space is democratizing access to financial services, showcasing that finance can indeed be profitable without compromising on principles.”

The Global Impact: Beyond the Numbers

The influence of HASAN.VC and the ventures it nurtures extends far beyond mere financial metrics or market penetration. By encouraging businesses that prioritize ethical values and social responsibility, HASAN.VC is contributing to a worldwide shift towards more conscious consumption and investment. This transformation is empowering Muslim entrepreneurs and resonating with a global audience that values integrity, sustainability, and conscientious business practices.

“In a world grappling with inequality, environmental challenges, and financial exclusion, the ethical foundations of the halal economy serve as a beacon of hope,” Munshi asserts. “Through HASAN.VC, we’re not just nurturing startups; we’re leading a worldwide movement towards ethical and sustainable business practices.”

The Path Forward: HASAN’s Vision for the Future

Looking to the future, HASAN.VC’s mission remains unwavering: to act as a beacon for innovation and ethical change within the halal economy and the broader global market. With each new cohort, the accelerator program aims to expand its influence, supporting a growing number of startups committed to making a significant difference. HASAN.VC envisions a world where ethical business practices lead the way in solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

“The future we strive for at HASAN.VC is one where ethical businesses are at the forefront of addressing global issues,” Munshi concludes. “We invite investors to join us in this mission. By democratizing VC investment and lowering the capital barrier, we enable a broader community to participate in our portfolio, targeting more than 40 startups over the next two years. Together, we can shape a future that’s not only profitable but also principled and just.”

In the intersection of faith, innovation, and entrepreneurship, HASAN.VC and its accelerator program stand as a pioneering force, redefining the future of the halal economy. Through steadfast support for startups embodying principles of ethical and sustainable business, HASAN.VC isn’t just accelerating business growth; it’s accelerating a profound global change. With visionary leaders like Umar Munshi steering the course, HASAN.VC’s journey promises to transform the landscape of the global economy into a realm where inclusivity, ethics, and sustainability are celebrated by all.

Interview with Umar Munshi: “Cultivating a Future of Ethical Innovation and Justice”

In the vibrant confluence of innovation and ethical business practices, HASAN.VC emerges as a trailblazing initiative, setting a new course within the halal economy and beyond. Nestled in the dynamic heartlands of Southeast Asia and the Gulf States, HASAN.VC embodies the essence of its Arabic namesake, “Hasan,” denoting goodness and beauty. This nomenclature is a beacon of its mission: to inspire startups to integrate ethical integrity, operational excellence, and societal contributions into their core, striving to overcome economic injustices and promote equity across the global landscape.

Unlocking the Potential of Ethical Business

At the forefront of HASAN.VC’s ambitious endeavor is the creation of a nurturing environment for the next generation of startups. By merging innovative ideas with market viability, HASAN.VC is not merely a venture capital firm but a transformative community aiming to reshape the business world. The centerpiece of this vision is the accelerator program, a carefully curated 8-week online journey designed to arm early-stage tech startups with the necessary tools, knowledge, and capital to excel.

“Our aspiration transcends mere financial investment; we are on a mission to foster a community of innovators dedicated to ethical and sustainable growth,” says Umar Munshi, Managing Partner of HASAN.VC. “Through championing the principles of ‘Hasan,’ we aim to address economic injustices and elevate startups committed to creating a balanced ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.”

Empowering Purpose-Driven Innovation

The spirit of HASAN.VC’s mission is deeply entwined with empowering startups that seek more than financial gains. By focusing on scalable ventures that seamlessly merge technology with the ethical principles of the halal lifestyle, HASAN.VC is broadening the horizons of the halal economy to encapsulate benefits for humanity at large.

“The burgeoning startup ecosystem within the halal economy signifies its vast potential,” Munshi elaborates. “These pioneers, driven by values and innovation, are not only challenging the status quo but are also actively contributing to a more equitable and just economic landscape.”

A Comprehensive Approach Beyond Investment

What distinguishes HASAN.VC is its holistic strategy towards startup development. Far beyond financial backing, it extends strategic advisory services, mentorship, market access, and a significant Muslim consumer base for product testing. This full-spectrum support ensures startups are not only financially viable but also strategically poised for enduring success.

“With my personal journey as an entrepreneur, I’ve experienced the multifaceted challenges that lie on this path,” Munshi reflects. “HASAN.VC aspires to be more than an accelerator; it’s a guiding beacon providing a nurturing ecosystem that supports the financial, strategic, and ethical growth of startups.”

The Halal Economy: A Realm of Boundless Opportunities

The halal economy, estimated to burgeon to $2.4 trillion by 2024, presents a fertile landscape for innovation. HASAN.VC recognizes the immense potential within this sector, especially in Southeast Asia, with its significant young Muslim demographic, serving as an ideal incubator for the accelerator’s initiatives. This focus not only highlights the region’s intrinsic value but also sets the stage for expansion into the GCC, reflecting HASAN.VC’s commitment to democratizing VC investment by lowering capital barriers for broader participation.

Islamic Finance: The Ethical Frontier

The Islamic finance sector, with assets projected to reach $3.8 trillion by 2023, is at the forefront of an ethical revolution. Characterized by a commitment to social welfare and ethical principles, this sector is ripe for disruption by startups that leverage technology to provide inclusive, sustainable financial solutions. HASAN.VC is at the heart of this transformation, supporting ventures that align closely with its vision of justice, equity, and economic empowerment.

Fostering Global Partnerships for Collective Progress

HASAN.VC’s ambitions extend beyond nurturing startups within the halal economy; it aims to forge lasting connections between the halal market and the wider global economic system. By cultivating strategic partnerships across industries and regions, HASAN.VC envisions a future where ethical and halal businesses not only prosper but also significantly contribute to societal and environmental well-being.

“Our vision at HASAN.VC is to champion a world enriched by ethical businesses that are instrumental in driving societal and environmental change,” Munshi shares, emphasizing the collective journey towards rectifying global injustices through business practices rooted in integrity.

Inspiring a Movement Towards Ethical Entrepreneurship

As HASAN.VC navigates the evolving landscape of the halal economy, its role in molding the future of this vibrant market is unequivocal. With a strategy that seamlessly integrates innovation, ethical principles, and comprehensive support, HASAN.VC is a beacon of potential within the sector.

“The essence of our journey at HASAN.VC is to ignite a worldwide movement towards ethical entrepreneurship,” Munshi passionately states. “We’re not just about fostering business growth; we’re committed to advocating for a more just and sustainable world.”

A Call to Action: Shaping an Ethical Future Together

HASAN.VC extends an open invitation to investors and visionaries alike to join in its pioneering mission. By democratizing venture capital investment and lowering the capital barrier, HASAN.VC is breaking new ground, enabling a wider community to participate in shaping an ethical, inclusive, and sustainable global economy. “Our collective effort targets more than 40 startups over the next two years, aiming to redefine the landscape of ethical innovation,” Munshi concludes. This call to action is not just an investment opportunity; it’s an invitation to be part of a transformative journey towards creating a legacy of ethical innovation.

A Tapestry of Success: Stories That Inspire

Among the luminaries nurtured by HASAN.VC are startups that have made significant strides in areas such as halal food technology and Islamic digital finance. These ventures have not only met the stringent needs of Muslim consumers but have also appealed to a broader audience by emphasizing quality, transparency, and ethical practices. Leveraging the deep cultural heritage of the Islamic economy while employing cutting-edge technology, these startups redefine the essence of success in the modern world.

“One of our cohort startups has revolutionized the halal food industry, utilizing blockchain technology to ensure ethical sourcing and traceability,” Munshi highlights. “Another venture in the Islamic fintech space is making financial services accessible to all, showcasing that finance can indeed align profitability with principle.”

Beyond Numbers: A Global Ethical Movement

The impact of HASAN.VC and the ventures it supports transcends traditional business metrics or market penetration. By fostering businesses that prioritize ethical values and social responsibility, HASAN.VC contributes to a worldwide paradigm shift towards more mindful consumption and investment. This transformation empowers Muslim entrepreneurs and resonates with a global audience that values integrity, sustainability, and conscientious business practices.

“In a world wrestling with profound challenges such as inequality, environmental degradation, and financial exclusion, the ethical foundations of the halal economy and the principles of Hasan offer a beacon of hope,” Munshi asserts. “Through HASAN.VC, we’re not merely nurturing startups; we’re leading a global movement towards ethical and sustainable business practices.”

Charting the Course: Ethical Leadership in Action

As HASAN.VC looks to the future, its mission remains clear: to serve as a catalyst for innovation and ethical transformation within the halal economy and beyond. With each cohort, the accelerator aims to widen its influence, supporting an increasingly diverse group of startups committed to making a meaningful difference. The vision of HASAN.VC transcends the creation of a thriving halal economy; it encompasses a broader goal of inspiring a global ecosystem where ethical business practices are the norm.

“The future we envision at HASAN.VC is one where ethical businesses lead the charge in solving the world’s most pressing challenges,” Munshi concludes. “We invite you to join us in this mission. Together, we can shape a future that is not only profitable but also principled and just, embodying the true spirit of Hasan in every endeavor.”

In the confluence of faith, innovation, and entrepreneurship, HASAN.VC and its accelerator program stand as pioneering forces, redefining the future of the halal economy and the wider world of business. Through steadfast support for startups that embody ethical and sustainable principles, HASAN.VC isn’t just accelerating business growth; it’s propelling a profound global transformation. With visionary leaders like Umar Munshi steering the course, HASAN.VC’s journey is set to transform the landscape of the global economy, making it a realm where inclusivity, ethics, and sustainability are celebrated by all.

HASAN Venture capital

HASAN is powered by Ethis – a pioneering leader in fintech for Islamic finance, standing at the crossroads of technological innovation and ethical investment.

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